Tart Cherry Gummies

Tart Cherry Gummies

These little gummies taste amazing and do amazing things for your body!

The main ingredient to these gummies is gelatin and before stumbling across the recipe that inspired these tart cherry gummies, I really had no idea how beneficial gelatin is for our bodies! 

As many of you know I suffer from random gastrointestinal issues which I feel are mostly linked to eating gluten and dairy so I try very hard not to consume these foods. But upon some research I discovered gelatin can aid in digestion and help heal the lining of your digestive tract! 

How stinking cool is that?

Also, as many of you know I love to run and I love to workout! These activities have put some stress on my joints, especially with the labral tear I suffered in my hip. Gelatin can help maintain strong joints and bones!

And some how it helps you sleep better...I have to dig into that one a little bit more but found it be very interested!

Here is an awesome recipe that helps get more gelatin into your diet along with tart cherries which act as an anti-inflammatory!

3/4 cup frozen tart cherries
1/2 cup of water - I used the La Croix coconut flavored water for more zing
1 1/2 tablespoons of gelatin
2 teaspoons of honey or agave nectar for sweetner

Defrost your cherries in the microwave slowly - you want them to be cold still but blend able.
Once the cherries have reached this point throw them in a blender, food processor or I used a magic bullet to puree them. 
Then place all the ingredients into a sauce pan on medium heat and stir until it is all mixed well together then cook for an addition 5 minutes without letting it boil.
The pour the contents into a glass dish and slide into the fridge. 
Once solid remove from the fridge, slice into squares and ENJOY! 

Inspiration recipe found on: bepure.co.nz


  1. This sounds amazing! And tart cherries are supposed to help with inflammation too.

    Would you count this as one purple container?

  2. They are amazing! I need to make some more actually but yes, purple would work!


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