
Showing posts from June, 2017

Mexican Quinoa Salad

Mexican Quinoa Salad     Ingredients Salad 1 cup frozen corn 1 cup cooked Quinoa 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed  1/2 green pepper chopper  Sauce 1/3 cup vegan mayo 1 teaspoon chili powder 1/8  teaspoon cayenne 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1 garlic clove chopped 1/3 cup lime juice Salt and pepper to taste Instructions Mix all the salad ingredients together. Mix all the sauce ingredients together in a separate bowl once mixed well combine with salad.  Salad tastes great plain as is, scooped up on tortilla chips or placed in corn tortillas with tomatoes and cilantro for tacos!  ❤️  Crazy Strong Mom